Keywords = Investment Efficiency
Audit Committee Characteristics, Cost of Debt and Investment Efficiency

Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 101-116


Hasan Zalaghi; Mohammad Norouzi; Gholamhosein Asadi; Mohammad Kazazi

The Effect of Top Executives' Overconfidence on the Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity

Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2014, Pages 115-128

Mehdi Arabsalehi; Hadi Amiri; Accounting Department kazemi Noori

The Impact of Financial Constraints and Agency Costs of Investment Efficiency

Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2014, Pages 89-106

R Baradaran Hassanzadeh; Y Badavar Nahandi; L Negahban

Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Inefficiency

Volume 2, Issue 4, March 2011, Pages 1-20

Ali Saghafi; M. Arabmazar