Ranking Firms Based on the Performance Evaluation Criteria via Multiple Attribute TOPSIS Technique and Comparing Evaluation Criteria (Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Accounting, Shiraz University, Shiraz

2 دانشگاه شیراز


This research follows two main goals: first, ranking firms which are listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) based on the performance evaluation criteria and and second, Comparing performance criteria and identifying the best measures to assess performance. In complying with the first aim, traditional financial ratios, modern and economics measures were calculated for the period of 13 years (2000-2013) as performance evaluation criteria for the sample firms. Then, selected samples were ranked according of each index via the TOPSIS technique and Shannon’s entropy concept. Moreover, companies were ranked according of total performance indexes. The results showed that when the traditional ratios, modern or economic indexes are used individually, a firm belonging to the sugar industry, metallic mineral mining industry, vehicle and parts manufacturing industry is the first one respectively. However, when total indexes are used, a firm belonging to the vehicle and parts manufacturing industry posits the first rank. In attaining the second aim of the research, hypotheses regarding to the determination of the significance of the differences between relative proximity indexes of the firms in traditional, modern and economics criteria and also, determination of the existence and effect relationship between criteria and determination of the closest index to total indexes, were tested. Thus, Friedman test, Spearman test and regression were performed. Results showed that TOPSIS is an appropriate technique for ranking of the firm, and there is a significant differences between relative proximity indexes of the traditional, modern and economics criteria. Also, there is a significant relation between the modern and economic ratios, but these indexes do not exhibit a significant relation with the traditional performance criteria. Other results of this research relates to the existence of the relation between modern and economic indexes, compared with the traditional criteria, to total indexes.
Keywords: Performance evaluation, Traditional criteria, Modern criteria, Economic criteria, Ranking, TOPSIS.



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